Wednesday, September 11, 2013


When I told my husband about my idea for a thriller (after writing two romances), he glanced sideways at me and took a few steps back. Then announced he would be sleeping on the couch that night. I guess the idea scared him, which is great for a thriller. Or maybe I scared him. Which is not so great.

This is my battle when I write. Where did this idea come from? Am I twisted? What will people think of me when they read it?

Books that scare me, or books with really evil villains, fill me with both awe and envy. I don't think negatively of the author. In fact, it's just the opposite. I want to create things like that. Is that because I'm a writer? Or do all thriller readers have that reaction? I believe it's this second one, because a lot of those books are best sellers.

I think I will post a list of the authors whose books have inspired me to write great thrillers next to my computer to remind myself to ignore the voice in my head that questions what Aunt Sarah will think and listen instead to the other voices telling me the best way to torture that character.

Oh, wait. Maybe I am twisted.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Really? Three years? I can't believe it.

I haven't posted on here in three years? THREE YEARS? That's, like, over 1,000 days. Wow.

And I wouldn't be doing it now if not for this handy-dandy Blogger app. It's right here on my smartphone and I don't have to boot up the laptop or find the cord or wait for updates to install.

I actually have two laptops (well, three if you count the REALLY old one), plus my husband!'s and my daughter's, so that's five computers in the house that I never use, except for writing. I read email on my phone. I check Facebook on my phone. And now that my bank has an app, I use my phone for banking, too.  I've tried writing on the phone, too, but it  doesn't work.  

I just wish the phone screen was bigger so I could see what the heck I'm typing/posting/paying!